Impact on nature

For Amer Sports, nature serves not only as a source of inspiration but also as a highly valued playground. By preserving nature, we ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the same outdoor experiences that we have today.

We are increasingly aware that biodiversity loss and depleting water resources pose risks to all businesses, including the Amer Sports brands. In 2023, we initiated our nature conservation efforts by conducting risk assessments for water and biodiversity using the WWF Water and Biodiversity Risk Filters, focusing on our own operations. The purpose of these initial water and biodiversity risk assessments was to identify our impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services, evaluating the associated material risks and opportunities.

We acknowledge that the most significant nature impacts occur in the value chain of our products. Nature impacts are driven by raw material sourcing and pollution, including waste generation, at various stages of the value chain. Opportunities for mitigating impact and fostering sustainable business practices arise from efficient and circular material use and more environmentally friendly processing methods.


Water used at our own facilities is mostly municipal water from local water sources. In the water risk assessment of our own facilities using the WWF Water Risk Filter, we identified two factories located in areas nearing high water stress resulting from water scarcity and poor water quality. Next, we will perform operational assessments of these sites to understand the impacts and dependencies on water resources at those sites and consequently develop action plans to mitigate potential risks.


The industry we operate in is highly dependent on the ecosystem services nature provides. We have used the WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter to assess biodiversity risks in our own operations. It combines several indicators into an aggregate risk score, according to which none of our owned facilities face high biodiversity-related risks in their respective locations. Neither are any of our sites located within protected or key biodiversity areas. However, looking more closely at the indicators, two of our facilities are in areas with high levels of soil, air, and water pollution. With these two facilities also being in proximity to protected areas, we have identified them as priority locations for further assessment going forward.

Using the Science Based Targets for Nature (SBTN) high-impact commodity listing we have identified cotton, rubber, timber, steel, and leather as high-impact raw materials for our products. At scale, the production and processing of these materials have significant environmental impacts, including land use and change, water consumption, and pollution to air, soil, and water. To better understand our impacts and identify mitigation opportunities for these commodities, we will continue to improve our raw material supply chain mapping.

Waste management

We track waste streams from Amer Sports’ own facilities, including factories, warehouses, offices, and stores. Our target is that 70% of waste generated from our own operations is recycled or reused by 2030. In 2023, 67% of our total waste was directed to recycling. Facilities choose waste management service providers in line with Amer Sports’ supplier requirements, and they comply with applicable local legislation.